
Katsenes and Pekau are furious that I exposed the threat to taxpayers from their TIF district

Katsenes and Pekau are furious that I exposed the threat to taxpayers from their TIF district


By Ray Hanania

09-04-24 The Dangers of Orland Park Mayor Keith Pekau’s Secret TIF District Proposals

I’m not surprised that Orland Park Trustee Cindy Katsenes, local real estate agent from Village Realtyhe attacked me personally at the Village Council meeting on Tuesday evening and also attacked Mohammed Jaber for raising issues regarding her and Pekau’s TIF District proposal. Katsenes and Pekau are hiding something and do not want to reveal it due to the huge negative impact their TIF plans will have on taxpayers and our local schools.

You need to listen to my interview with TIF expert Tom Tresser, where I explain how easily TIF funds can be manipulated to benefit politicians and their failed financial policies, and how debts can be hidden (Orland Park, Katsenes and Pekau have failed to file Villages financial reports for the second year in a row).

Veteran TIF tax researcher and TUF author Tom Tresser details the dangers of TIF tax abuse, which involves stealing property tax money from taxing entities such as school districts, libraries, and other local agencies in order to pay government debt, pay contractors and contractors, and take advantage of the TIF tax’s public disclosure benefits.

TIF Expert and Author Tom Tresser Discusses the Risks of a TIF District and Its Impact on Orland Park TaxpayersKatsenes and Pekau are furious that I exposed the threat to taxpayers from their TIF district
TIF Expert and Author Tom Tresser Discusses the Risks of a TIF District and Its Impact on Orland Park Taxpayers

Orland Park’s proposed TIF districts could be part of an effort to pay down the city’s significant debt, award huge, lucrative contracts to local developers who have donated to politicians, and impose a huge burden on taxpayers.

TIFs require that the property be designated as “Blighted,” but that’s an easy description to achieve. This is an education that needs to be heard about the dangers of TIFs being used by an untrustworthy mayor who didn’t provide enough information about how the proposed TIFs would work or where the money would go.

The public’s right to know remains unanswered in the TIF district and can be done by providing the public with proper notice and full information on the financial aspects of the TIF. For more information on Tresser, visit Also visit Tom’s website The TIF Illumination Project at For more information on Ray Hanania, visit

Watch the video interview using the widget below or Click this link to watch on Youtube.

Ray Hanania is an award-winning former Chicago City Hall reporter who has lived in Orland Park since 1986. He writes for several suburban newspapers, including The Regional News. For more on this and other topics, visit his website at for information on subscribing to his columns and video podcasts below. write to him at [email protected].

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